
Code Of Conduct For Teachers

  1. Administrative
    • A teacher must do attendance regularly.
    • A teacher must provide scanned copies of all academic documents
    • Any financial transaction with any teacher will be done through NIC Asia Bank Account. Teachers should be aware that College will never do any financial transaction in the form of cash or cheque or in any other bank’s Account.
    • Must provide scanned copy of PAN Card and Citizenship.

  2. Teaching Notes
    • A teacher Must not dictate notes in Classroom. Teachers are encouraged to provide reference materials.

  3. Exercises
    • A teacher shall set adequate amount of written and practical exercises and give homework in all subjects that he/she teaches.
    • A teacher shall mark and evaluate all written/practical exercises promptly and carefully.
    • A teacher shall not make derogatory remarks in the exercise books of the student.

  4. Working Hours
    • A teacher shall report for duty regularly and punctually as determined by the College.
    • A teacher may be required to work beyond the required time in certain circumstances to be determined by the College Admin.

  5. Private Activities during Business Hours
    • No teacher shall engage in private and personal conversation with students during class period when he/she is expected to teach or to supervise.
    • A teacher must avoid sitting with a student with door closed.
    • No teacher shall trade or transact any private financial business on the College premises during College hours.
    • No teacher shall perform unofficial duties or activities during College hours without permission from the College Head.

  6. Co-Curricular Activities
    • Teachers shall take part in approved co-curricula activities in the institutions in which they work.

  7. Improper Use of Student’s Labor
  8. Labor is exploitative of a pupil/student if it deprives him/her of education, leisure or development. Therefore;
    • A teacher shall not use the labor of a pupil/student in any form whatsoever with or without the consent of the parent during contact hours.
    • A teacher shall not send a Student on errands for him/her during class hours. No teacher shall use the labor of College Students for private or personal service with or without the consent of their parents or guardians and of the College head during College hours.

  9. Protection of Students from Torture and Other Degrading Treatment
    • Physical Violence
    • Physical harm inflicted on pupils/students in any form constitutes a gross violation of the pupil’s rights. Consequently:
      • Teachers shall not administer any act of corporal punishment, or any act that inflicts physical pain on the Students or causes physical harm to their pupils/students such as pushing, pulling, hitting and/or flogging.
      • No teacher shall subject his/her pupils/students to painful body posture such as frog jumping, standing in the sun, holding heavy loads on outstretched hands, etc.
      • No teacher shall punish a student to do any work outside the classroom during class hours.
      • A teacher shall not threaten any pupil/student with harm with intent to put that person in fear of harm.
      • A teacher shall not subject a pupil/student to or encourage other pupils/students to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment including any cultural practice that dehumanizes or is injurious to the physical and mental well-being of the pupil/student.
    • Psychological Violence
      • A teacher can not shout on any student.
      • No act of a teacher shall have a negative psychological effect on a College student. Therefore, no teacher in the course of duty shall intimidate, insult, tease, harass, threaten, snub or discriminate against any student.
      • Teachers shall not use the physical challenges of student to intimidate or ridicule them.
      • Teachers shall not use any acts or means to pester or coerce student into activities of which they do not have a clear understanding.
      • No teacher shall deliberately isolate or ignore any Student.
      • The teacher shall advise against early marriage and support Students continuing their education.
      • No teacher shall emotionally manipulate a Student to the teacher’s advantage.
      • No teacher shall send a pupil out of class for absenteeism or lateness.
      • Teachers shall show maximum consideration for feelings and circumstances of learners.
      • The teacher shall control his/her utterances in order not to threaten with cruel and degrading punishment or hurt the pupil/student.
      • A teacher will intervene to stop a pupil/student from perpetrating psychological abuse upon another pupil/student.
      • A teacher shall intervene to stop a fellow teacher from perpetrating psychological abuse upon another pupil/student.
      • A teacher shall intervene to stop a pupil/student from perpetrating physical violence or abuse upon another pupil/student.
    • Sexual Violence
      • A teacher should not physically touch any student.
      • No teacher shall directly or indirectly do anything that may constitute sexual harassment of a pupil/student.
      • Any teacher who has carnal knowledge of any female or male pupil/student of any age, with or without his or her consent, shall be guilty of professional misconduct.
      • No teacher shall compel any female or male pupil/student to marry him or her with or without the consent of the Student’s parents.
      • No teacher shall detain any pupil/student for immoral purposes.

  10. Non-Discrimination
  11. No teacher shall discriminate against a pupil/student on the grounds of sex, race, age, religion, disability, health status, custom, ethnic origin, background, socio-economic status or misunderstanding with a parent or guardian.

  12. Right to Social Activity
    • No teacher shall detain a pupil/student after college as a form of punishment without supervision.
    • No teacher shall deprive a pupil/student the right to participate in sports or other leisure activities as a form of punishment.

  13. Favoritism
  14. No teacher shall do anything that shall suggest or create the impression that a pupil/student is more favored than any other pupil/student.

  15. Inordinate Affection
  16. No teacher shall under any circumstance show any form of inordinate affection to any pupil/student. Inordinate affection implies the expression of love or likeness with ulterior motive.

  17. Role Model
    • Teachers shall serve as role models to learners showing high degree of decency in speech, mannerism, discipline, dressing and general performance of their roles.
    • Teachers shall in particular dress to portray the dignity of the profession.

  18. Ideological Influence
  19. Teachers shall not use their positions to spread their political, religious or other ideologies among pupils/students.

  20. Absence from Duty
    • No teacher may leave the College during College hours without the permission of the College Admin.
    • A teacher leaving the College for duty elsewhere shall inform his head of his whereabouts to facilitate his recall in an emergency.
    • A teacher shall not absent himself/herself from assigned work without permission

  21. Property of Employer
    • A teacher shall not cause a deliberate damage to the property of the college.
    • A teacher shall not use the property of the Employer without permission from the appropriate authority of his/her immediate head.
    • No teacher shall use the name or property of the Employer for personal benefit or advantage.

  22. Protection of the Interest of the Employer
    • A teacher shall not divulge privileged or classified information or document to any person or body that is not entitled to have access to such information or document.
    • No teacher shall engage in any other gainful economic activity at the workplace.
    • No teacher shall in the course of his/her duties disobey, disregard or willfully default in carrying out any lawful instructions, reasonable orders or directives given by any person or body having authority to give such lawful instructions, reasonable orders or directives.
    • A teacher shall not engage in any act that brings the Employer into disrepute.

  23. Health and Safety Rules
  24. Any infringement of Health and Safety rules at the work-place by a teacher amount to misconduct.

  25. Presence of Babies in College
  26. Except where permission is granted for a teacher’s baby to be brought to college, no teacher shall bring

  27. Use of Illegal Drugs at the Workplace
    • No teacher shall use illegal drugs during work sessions or at the workplace.
    • No teacher shall involve a pupil/student by sending him/her to purchase illegal drugs.
    • No teacher shall involve pupils/students directly or indirectly in using illegal drugs.

  28. Drinking, Drunkenness and Smoking
    • No teacher shall drink alcohol while on duty or be found drunk during college hours.
    • No teacher shall smoke in the classroom during College hours or in a place within the College premises.
    • No teacher shall involve a pupil/student by sending him/her to purchase alcoholic beverage or cigarettes.
    • No teacher shall involve pupils/students directly or indirectly in drinking any alcoholic beverage and/or in smoking any kind of cigarette.

  29. Unauthorized Collection of Moneys, Fees or Levies
  30. No teacher shall collect unauthorized moneys, fees or levies without permission of the college admin.

  31. Public Examinations
    • No teacher acting as an invigilator or a supervisor shall offer assistance to candidate(s) at examinations with the intent to cheat.
    • No teacher shall leak examination questions to any candidate/person.

  32. Strikes and Demonstrations
  33. No teacher shall involve himself/herself in students’ strikes, riots or demonstrations without recourse to the due process

  34. Criminal Acts or Omissions
    • For the purpose of this Code, criminal acts and omissions are classified into two, these are:
      • Criminal acts or omissions outside the workplace
      • Criminal acts or omissions at the workplace
    • Any alleged criminal act or omission by a teacher outside the workplace that renders, in the opinion of the employer, the teacher unsuitable for his/her present job may provide basis for disciplinary action.
    • Any alleged criminal act or omission at the workplace by a teacher such as stealing, falsification of records or a deliberate misrepresentation of facts is a gross misconduct.
    • A teacher who is convicted of a criminal offence involving fraud, theft or dishonesty or sentenced to imprisonment without the option of a fine shall be dismissed from the Service as from the date of his conviction.

  35. Anonymous Letters
  36. No teacher shall write or circulate anonymous letters with malicious intent.

  37. Official Correspondence or Records
  38. No teacher shall show or take official correspondence or records to private persons, corporations, companies or other bodies without the express and prior consent of the College Head or his/her representative.

  39. Acts of Dishonor
    • No teacher shall involve himself/herself in any act that is likely to bring the teaching profession into disrepute.
    • It shall therefore be the responsibility of every teacher to preserve the dignity and honor of his profession and also maintain his/her own dignity, honor and integrity.