Academia Close to Nature

Academia Close to Nature

Academia Nature School Mission

The mission of Academia is to return vitality and joy to the student’s educational experience by providing a dynamic natural environment that fulfills a student's fundamental need for exploration and discovery. Through their deepening relationship with nature, we guide the students toward resilience, balance, and social growth.

We also seek to support the health and well-being of our families, to play a supportive role in the local community, and to be a vital component in the growing global effort to ensure every student’s right to experience the natural world as part of their education now and in the future. We are also committed to supporting the growing global effort to sustain, heal, and become stewards of the earth.

Most Colleges keep students indoors for the majority of each day. Current studies show the stress this places on the young student's physical, emotional and cognitive development. In contrast, Academia gives students an opportunity to learn and develop in the environment they are made for.